Better. Faster. Righter. Pick 3.
By providing Cloud and DevOps services Opnomics' partners with Industry and Government on their journey to the cloud and the integration of development and operations.

OpnomicsOur MO
Measure Success. Optimize Approach. Success must be measured. But not every success is measured the same.
The Problems May Seem Endless

Hackers | Is the code ready? | Data Analytics | There are endless deployment checklists | Data protection | Deployments are unpredictable | Skill G A P S | Innovation | No one knows when testing is complete | It's your problem, not mine | Agility lack. lack. | Digital Transformation | No one knows what Digital Transformation is | Outsourcing risk | Data governance | There's another deployment checklist? | It works here
Measure Success
Total Cost of Ownership
A comprehensive metric that should tell you at a glance if you're succeeding.
Key Performance Indicators
Customized for your enterprise, these are the numbers that matter to you. And only you.
Efficiency Gain
The catalyst for many of the quality metrics, increases in efficiency are the gi
Lead Time
Nothing reinforces the customer community like seeing the business' needs meet quickly and successfully.
Productivity Gain
More is better.
Deployment Frequency
Deploy ten times a day or ten times a year. The important thing is picking the speed that's right for you.
Service Level Agreements
Essential but only a baseline, SLAs should be viewed as the minimum agreement between your organization and your customers.
Cost Savings
In the cloud centric world, managing cost is now in everyone's job description.
Time to Benefit
Reducing the time to benefit eliminates the need to repeat effort. Succeed once then move on.
Change Fail Percentage
No one likes rework. The fastest way to cover the ground you need to cover is to do it once.
Change Failure Rate
Doing it right once means you can do more with less.
Mean Time to Recovery
When things go really wrong, how quickly can you make them go really right?
Optimize Approach
Deploy with confidence
Everyone knows the pulse increase, the rise in blood pressure that an uncertain deployment brings. Waiting for the phone to ring from the first user that has found a bug, a key missing piece of the migration or even worse the silence that lingers for days while you have the nagging feeling that you must have missed something.
Always be ready to deploy
An immediate business reaction? A just discovered bug that can't wait? When you're always ready to deploy your customers participate in the quality process and finger of blame can remain holstered.
Eliminate checklists
Have the illusion that by following a series of seemingly endless checklists everything will be OK? Only to find that you've missed something entirely? Lower your risk while lowering your anxiety and increase your productivity by getting rid of effort that no one believes will work.
Know when testing is complete
Too many QA efforts are fuzzy, undefined and amount to little more than "I click around for a while until I find something. Or don't". Your business has a plan. Your quality should have one as well.
Increase Cooperation
DevOps was born from the frustration of broken relationships between development and operations. In well-defined environments and operations, staff have the clarity to help one another succeed.
Increase Communication
Eliminate the noise of unproductive communnication and replace it with the necessary tools to allow people to function at their highest levels.
Increase Morale
Happy people work smarter.
Increase Velocity
When you know where you've been, where you're going and you're certain of how you're going to get there, you get there faster, better and righter.
Recover with grace
Eventually something will go wrong. Very wrong. In the middle of the night. Sleep with the confidence that you could rebuild everything. Because it's not if you'll need to.
Move fast. Make things.
Nothing will increase customer satisfaction like implementing changes quickly and effectively. React to your business in real time.
Lower and manage risk
Put yourself in position to make better decisions quicker.
Know Success
Your KPIs are yours. Set your goals high. Meet them.